Friday, September 2, 2016

Review of Instaread Summary of "Wheat Belly Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your Path Back to Health" By William Davis, MD

Review of

Instaread Summary of Wheat Belly Lose the Wheat, Lose the Weight, and Find Your Path Back to Health By William Davis, MD

Three out of five stars

 This summary describes a book that reads like so many of the self-help books based on diet, simply change the primary cause of the problems in the text and the message is a repeat. In this case, the cause of all the problems is wheat, specifically modern strains of wheat. Davis’ claims are listed without any semblance of critical analysis, although there is a long set of references at the end.
 The tone of the summary is set very early, the following sentence appears in the third paragraph of the overview.

“For one, wheat has a powerful addictive quality that interacts with the same brain receptors as opiate drugs, providing a surge of pleasure when consumed and a pang of withdrawal when avoided.”

Clearly, one of the worst things that can be said about a food type is comparing it to an opiate drug. Furthermore, eating almost any food will trigger the pleasure centers in a hungry person. In a fortunate coincidence, while I was writing this review I encountered the following line in another book. “Food manufacturers strive to make processed foods addictive by using three crucial ingredients: salt, sugar, and fat.” Note that there is no mention of wheat or any carbohydrate.
This position is furthered in the statement of the first key takeaway.

“Wheat is the number one problem with the contemporary American diet.” 

This is a potentially dangerous oversimplification. Davis cites the rise of the levels of type II diabetes in Americans as one of the consequences of eating modern wheat. However, the percentages of type II diabetes in the populations of nations all around the world are rapidly rising and many of those people have a diet that does not include a great deal of wheat. The changes in health problems are extremely complex and not due to the consumption of one type of food.
 This summary is one that generally parrots what Davis states in the book, unlike other, better summaries, there is no critical analysis or questioning of the broad and misleading content.

This book was made available for free for review purposes. 

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