Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Review of Instaread Infographic of "Hillary’s America," by Dinesh D’Souza

Review of

Instaread Infographic of Hillary’s America, by Dinesh D’Souza

One out of five stars

 While infographics are by definition constructed from a series of simple bullet points, in this one the emphasis is on simple, very simple. Each point is extreme and lacking in historical accuracy. For example, the first two points are: “Democrats are evil. Democrats are the party of racism, government corruption and thievery.” “Republicans are good. Republicans are the party of freedom, equality and civil rights.” Those of us that know history recall the many corruption scandals under the administration of Republican Ulysses S. Grant as well as the famous Teapot Dome scandal under Republican Warren G. Harding. And of course, there is always the more recent Watergate affair under Republican Richard Nixon.
 More history for the simpleton occurs in the third point. “Party of plunder. Andrew Jackson founded the Democratic Party on a platform of lawless theft of Indian land.” The Democratic Party was founded as a backlash against the machinations of the political insiders that led to the election of John Quincy Adams to the presidency, even though Jackson won more popular votes. Jackson’s policies were to support the “common people” over the wealthy bankers. In many ways, Jackson established many of the principles of the modern American democracy.
 I could go on, but my point should be made by now, this infographic is informationally useless. 

This book was made available for free for review purposes.’Souza-ebook/dp/B01L87ZTXQ 

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