Thursday, July 29, 2021

Review of "Chicken Soup for the Baseball Fan’s Soul," compiled by Jack Canfield et. al.

 Review of

Chicken Soup for the Baseball Fan’s Soul, compiled by Jack Canfield et. al. ISBN 1558749659

Five out of five stars

Some stories will put tears in your eyes

 These short stories are implausible to the point where they are plausible under the “truth is stranger than fiction” criteria. Some are by people whose profession is baseball, most are by people that enjoy the game. A few will put tears in your eyes.

 Some of the best are based on fans experiences with players and they are positive. The events took place before the explosion in the commercialization of the baseball autograph business. In them, the players are cordial, polite and cooperative, often going out of their way to do something positive for a fan.

 All levels of baseball, from the basics of tee ball to some of the greatest players ever are covered. The emphasis is on the positive influence baseball has on our lives, again from tee ball on up. If you are in a mental and emotional valley, this book will invert that particular curve.

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