Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Review of "Buffalo Bill’s Boyhood," by Elmer Sherwood

 Review of

Buffalo Bill’s Boyhood, by Elmer Sherwood

Four out of five stars

Great adventure story, even if embellished

 While William (Buffalo Bill) Cody was a real person that was engaged in adult actions at a young age, there is little to no evidence that some of the exploits in this book actually happened. Yet, they are exciting to read, they will stir the imagination of boys that follow the genre of the western.

 While his father (Isaac Cody) died from the stab wounds of an attack by a pro-slavery advocate, the real story is more involved. His father lived for some time after the attack, his death was largely due to a respiratory infection. Cody’s claim that he was a rider for the Pony Express and experienced great danger is also disputed.

 Cody was a great showman he was not above engaging in creative exaggeration. That is the case with this author as well, still it is a fun and easy book to read.

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