Saturday, March 21, 2020

Review of "What You Must Know About Age-related Macular Degeneration: How You Can Prevent, Stop, or reverse AMD," by Jeffrey Anshel and Laura Stevens

Review of

What You Must Know About Age-related Macular Degeneration: How You Can Prevent, Stop, or reverse AMD, by Jeffrey Anshel and Laura Stevens ISBN 9780757004490

Five out of five stars

 Given the increased age of the populations of every nation as well as the rising levels of type II diabetes, the issue of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is becoming an ever more common health affliction. Eyes age and change just like all other parts of the human body and there is much that you can do to care for your eyes and slow if not outright prevent the onset of AMD.

 This book is very professionally written, yet the science is well within the scope of the generally knowledgeable reader. It opens with an explanation of how the eyes work and what AMD is, along with options for medical treatment and the major risk factors for the affliction.

 The next sections explain many of the ways that have proven to or are indicated to be changes in lifestyle that will reduce the risk for or delay the onset of AMD. Some of them, like quitting smoking, eating healthier and exercising if you don’t, are general tactics that will improve your overall health. Other sections deal with dietary supplements that research has indicated may improve your chances of avoiding a serious case of AMD. The last chapter gives advice on how to manage a decline in vision.

 This is a medical book packed with sound and readable advice about an important topic. Your eyes age along with all other body parts and it is possible to reduce the pace of that process, something that you will learn how to do from this book.

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