Saturday, November 25, 2017

Review of "The Walking Dead: Volume 16, A Larger World," by Robert Kirkman et. al.

Review of
The Walking Dead: Volume 16, A Larger World, by Robert Kirkman et. al. ISBN 9781607065593.

Five out of five stars
 The psychological tide has indeed turned for Rick’s group of refugees from the hordes of the walking dead. Rick has completed his mental migration from one where they must constantly remain on the move to the establishment of a permanent base territory from which they can expand and rebuild civilization.
 Since they are running out of food and most of the local stores have been picked clean, the plan now is to send out powerful teams capable of defending themselves and surviving for a few days outside the sanctuary. These teams can range farther out and find supplies that could not otherwise be acquired. Meanwhile the management meetings called by Rick now deal with issues of learning how to farm and other techniques used to create sustainable supplies of essential materials.  
 Things change dramatically when the away team encounters a man capable of incredible feats of hand-to-hand fighting. He represents another permanent settlement and brings an offer of cooperation. Rick is extremely skeptical and responds by having him tied up for interrogation. Eventually, Rick is convinced that the man’s offer is genuine and he leads a team that will make contact.
 As Rick points out, most of the canned goods that still exist are reaching their expiration dates, so even if they can find stores they may not be consumable. Therefore, the opportunity to trade with another group with different sets of skills is a very attractive proposition. The manner in which Rick deals with this situation reveals his cautious nature, a characteristic of a good leader. One can see a glimmer of realistic hope for the future after all the death, fighting with the walking dead and engaging in battle with others that are also trying to survive.

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