Thursday, November 2, 2017

Review of "...If You Lived With Sioux Indians," by Ann McGovern

Review of

...If You Lived With Sioux Indians, by Ann McGovern

Four out of five stars
 While there is a great deal of information about how the Sioux people lived before the Europeans arrived, the systematic destruction of their culture is not mentioned, except on the last three pages and in an afterword. The title should end with a colon followed by “Before the white man came.” The lives of the Sioux is depicted as one that was rather carefree, with the occasional small conflict between tribes that could hardly be described by the term “war.”
 The lived in harmony with nature, with their society described by their relationship with the buffalo. They acquired most of their consumable goods from the herds, with the occasional other odd animal, such as deer or antelope and berries that they would encounter by chance. Gender roles were very specific, the education of the young started early and was continuous until adulthood. There were strict social codes of behavior, with punishment for transgressions determined by the tribal leaders.
 While based on facts, this is a book that has many of the characteristics of a fairy tale. Years ago, there was a bumper sticker that read something like this, “Before the white man, the women kept house while the men hunted and fished. This is progress?” In reading this book, you sympathize with that statement.

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