Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Review of Ta-Ta Towel Multiple Colors Women Towel Underwear, Easy to Breastfeeding, Women Towel Underwear

Review of
Ta-Ta Towel Multiple Colors Women Towel Underwear, Easy to Breastfeeding, Women Towel Underwear 

One out of five stars
Review written by Adriana Boettcher, edited by Charles Ashbacher
 The Boob Sweat sling intrigued me so I gave it a try.  It's a cute hot pink made of soft material and stretches (and snaps!) to fit (in theory) over large breasts and stay there.  If this was intended to be an after shower item, it might work best when the skin is wet.  As it is if the skin is dry, the sling slides off, pops off, won't stay put and has no sticky material to hold it in place.  Nor does its engineering hold it together, and any woman with upright posture or asymmetrical boobs (most of us) will try and fail to keep it on for longer than a few seconds.  To test this, I had five of my friends also try this boob sling, women of varying breast sizes, heights, body shapes.  It was hilarious.  We tried it as ear muffs and a belt, too.  Suffice it to say that I will not be using this for its intended purpose.  If this went back to the design room, it might work better on its next iteration.  As it is, buyer beware that it looks pretty for a few seconds but you'll be topless soon enough.  Don't answer the door in it unless you know who's knocking!


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