Friday, March 3, 2017

Review of "Manhattan GMAT Study Guide: Word Translations, Third Edition"

Review of
Manhattan GMAT Study Guide: Word Translations, Third Edition, ISBN 9780981853376

Five out of five stars
 This book is a bit of a smorgasbord of mathematical topics designed to prepare you for the GMAT exam. The title is derived from the first section, where the topic is how to translate words into mathematical expressions. In my years of experience teaching mathematics, this is the area that students find most difficult. Other areas covered are rates & work, ratios, combinatorics or counting problems, probability, statistics and the basics of set theory.
 There is the underlying assumption that the reader is relearning the material and not experiencing it for the first time. The tactic is to give a few pages of introductory material, followed by a set of problems and then detailed solutions, the problems accurately test the material.
 This is an excellent book for reviewing of the topics that are covered. Short and to the point, it can be used as a refresher for anyone that needs to relearn this material.

1 comment:

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