Saturday, April 9, 2016

Review of Instaread summary: "The Phoenix Project A Novel About IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win" by Gene Kim, Kevin Behr, and George Spafford

Review of

Instaread summary: The Phoenix Project A Novel About IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win by Gene Kim, Kevin Behr, and George Spafford 

Five out of five stars
 The book itself is a lesson describing the value of using the Three Ways of DevOps to improve the performance of the IT department of a company wrapped in a novel. The company and characters are all fictional, yet like most popular writings, there is a lot of embedded truth. In the common style of IT departments everywhere the name of the major project, Phoenix, is taken from mythology.
 The summary itself is almost totally about the lesson, which is a positive feature, for that is the purpose of the book. A few paragraphs are used in describing the main characters and there are hints that there are some significant personality conflicts taking place. It is written in a first-person narrative style where the narrator is a former Marine and some of the other characters are also ex-military. The reader is warned that some of the sub-stories involve military situations and terms, so they may not be understood by all readers.
 Perhaps the most revealing section regarding the interactions of the characters appears in the “Author’s Style” section.
“The narrator has an assertive voice and delivers many judgments about his co-workers, some of which are harsh. He is not a paragon of responsible behavior, particularly in the moments when he is working with the chief information security officer and convinces him to abandon high standards for security and prevent auditors from observing a potentially extreme violation of customer data security.”
This is a refreshing tone of despicable reality.
 Some of the best and most effective business books were written in the style of the substance being wrapped in a novel. Reading this summary did not convince me that this book is one of the best but it did convince me to strongly consider reading it. 

This book was made available for free for review purposes. 

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