Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Review of "The Adventures of Charlie Bubbles!," by Paul Carafotes

 Review of 

The Adventures of Charlie Bubbles!, by Paul Carafotes ISBN ‎ 9781502981899

Five stars

A simple and safe adventure that will entertain children, since they all love bubbles

 Charlie is a toddler with the ability to blow bubbles of all sizes. One day he is in his crib and the bubbles floating out the window attract two bees. One is nice and is called Honey Bee while the other is Mean Bee with a desire to sting things. The bees frighten Charlie so he blows a bubble large enough to contain him. When a breeze comes along Charlie is lifted out of his crib and he floats out the window, the first step in his adventures.

 As he floats along a squirrel sees Charlie in the air and it gets scared so it climbs inside a pumpkin shell. Charlie lands and starts talking to the squirrel. After they get acquainted they hear a series of hiccups coming from a garbage can. Inside they find a discarded stuffed bear that is sad over being thrown away. Now lonesome for home and getting hungry, Charlie and his new friends move along until night falls. Fortunately for Charlie, while the bear is old his fur is still soft and warm.

 Their adventures continue until the three of them once again encounter Honey Bee and Mean Bee. Taking pity on Charlie, Honey Bee guides him back to his home and using another bubble, Charlie floats back into his crib where his mother is very happy to see him.

 This is a nice story with a happy ending that will keep the attention of children and leave them with happy thoughts when it is done. There are no great dangers, as in scary monsters, the danger of Mean Bee, which is clearly male, is offset by the female Honey Bee. The images are very colorful without being overwhelming and contain a great deal of detail that will exercise the young eyes just learning to discern details.

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