Saturday, May 26, 2018

Review of "The Precious Present," by Spencer Johnson

Review of
The Precious Present, by Spencer Johnson ISBN 0385192193

There out of five stars
 This is a simple parable where the reader gets the point long before the main character does. The plot is based on the two different meanings of the word “present.” The wise old man uses it as a reference to the current time and circumstances while the young man interprets it in the sense of a physical gift. The young man spends his life in search of the gift while the old man lives a happy life enjoying the circumstances that he finds himself in.
 Finally, at the end of his life, the young man understands why the old man with few possessions somehow managed to be happy with his circumstances. The old man found a way to enjoy and appreciate his situation while the young man was miserable for decades before the truth finally dawned on him.
 There is a good lesson here, it is unfortunate that it takes so long for it to be complete. In this case Johnson could learn a lesson from the great Aesop, who was a master at presenting a valuable and quotable lesson in only a few pages at most.

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