Saturday, December 16, 2017

Review of "Solve the Mystery: 41 Puzzling Cases," by A. C. Gordon

Review of
Solve the Mystery: 41 Puzzling Cases, by A. C. Gordon ISBN 0486296628

Five out of five stars
 All the mysteries in this book are at most little more than a page and some just fill a page. Therefore, every word may be of significance, the key is to recognize the phrase that contains the critical clue(s). The solution is given in inverted text at the end of the mystery. Some of the solutions are obvious while reading the mystery, others are obvious when the solution is read and then there are others where it is hard to see where the critical clue is in the text of the mystery.
 Robberies and murders are the main crimes that are to be solved, clearly there are no elaborate murder plots. This book is fun, and the puzzles are challenging, brief intellectual exercises to flex the critical brain cells.

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