Monday, August 24, 2020

Review of "Take A Deep Breath: A Simple Exercise Guide to Increasing Your Oxygen Intake," by Meera Patricia Kerr and Sandra A. McLanahan,


Review of

Take A Deep Breath: A Simple Exercise Guide to Increasing Your Oxygen Intake, by Meera Patricia Kerr and Sandra A. McLanahan, ISBN 9780757004810

Five out of five stars

Exercises easy to perform and good for you

 There is no question that humans possess excess lung capacity. The fact that people can have an entire lung surgically removed and still live well is proof. Therefore, it is also certain that there are areas of the lungs where the air is not refreshed on a regular basis. Stagnant air is a breeding ground for pathogens, and those areas of the lungs are no exceptions. Given the current Covid pandemic, it makes sense that doing all you can to refresh the air in your lungs is a healthy choice.

 I can remember hearing about the health effects of deep abdominal breathing in my youth, both from the media and in school health classes. The positive health effects of controlled, relaxed breathing has also been known for a long time.

 Therefore, there is really nothing new in this book. However, that does not in any way diminish the value of knowing how your lungs function and the simple, effective exercises that can help you relax and clear your lungs of stagnant air. In the modern world, we all need simple, effective solutions to manage stress and improve our health. Even partial solutions that can have significant benefits are worthy additions to your personal toolset.

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