Friday, October 28, 2016

Review of "The Dog With the Opposable Thumb: An Accidental Love Story," by Mark Barkawitz

Review of

The Dog With the Opposable Thumb: An Accidental Love Story, by Mark Barkawitz ISBN 9781533396204

Five out of five stars
 This book is based on one of the most original premises that I have encountered. When Solo was born, his owner Marty quickly realizes that the puppy has an unusual feature, an opposable thumb that is functional. This gives Solo the capability of grasping, a skill that Marty spends a great deal of training time on. 
 Marty is a graduate student that knows a woman familiar with the making of videos, so they collaborate in making a short clip of Solo drinking from a bottle. It is a hit on YouTube, leading to some very lucrative endorsement deals. However, there is a price of fame, even for the canine, good and bad people emerge from Marty’s past and from the underworld that try to literally and figuratively grab a piece of Solo’s action.
 The story is very well written and moves at an appropriate pace. There is some low-key humor, some of which is predictable. Solo is a very intelligent dog, and with the skill of grasping, some of the normal barriers relied on to keep dogs in their place and out of things are ineffective.
 Whether or not you are a lover of dogs or other pets, you will find this an amusing story.

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