Sunday, June 19, 2016

Review of Instaread Summary of "A Mind of Your Own The Truth About Depression and How Women Can Heal Their Bodies to Reclaim Their Lives" by Kelly Brogan with Kristin Loberg

Review of

Instaread Summary of A Mind of Your Own The Truth About Depression and How Women Can Heal Their Bodies to Reclaim Their Lives by Kelly Brogan with Kristin Loberg 

Two out of five stars

 I am no fan of Big Pharma, being well aware of their manipulations of the markets and attempts to suppress research indicating that their medications are not necessary. However, in the field of mental health I have also seen people experience dramatic improvement when taking the proper medication.
 Much of the content of the book being summarized has appeared in many other venues, exercise, meditation and other components of a holistic life style will improve your health. The additional material about managing the personal biome of your intestines is also becoming more prominent as a component of having a healthy body. Yet, that is not new as well, for years yogurt has been touted as health food for your digestive tract.
 The major problem I have with the summary is the blanket and largely unsubstantiated key takeaway 7. “Inflammation is the primary cause of depression and other chronic diseases including cancer.” I am unaware of no research backing up this claim. The explanation of this statement takes up only one page in the Kindle version and does not back up the claim.
 The second problem I have with the summary is the argument from a specific case to a general conclusion. This is done in key takeaway 10, where the example of Mariel Hemingway is used.  “Hemingway is living proof that no one’s fate is absolutely predetermined by their genetic makeup.” This is far too absolute for reality.
 A third difficulty is the manufactured anecdote that is most of the content of key takeaway 9. It starts with “If a young woman has been persistently restless, fatigued, and melancholy for weeks, she might seek an explanation for what has changed within her.” The discussion ends with the specific example of Food blogger Rachael Abel, a person that cured their depression with diet.
 Every person that follows medicine knows that some people are spontaneously cured of even the worst diseases. Science cannot explain it, but it does know that one must be very careful in generalizing from these miracles. That care is not taken in this summary.

This book was made available for free for review purposes. 

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