Saturday, June 4, 2016

Review of Instaread Summary of "Lilac Girls A Novel" by Martha Hall Kelly

Review of

Instaread Summary of Lilac Girls A Novel by Martha Hall Kelly 

Five out of five stars

 Reading this summary convinced me that this is a great book, although the author of the summary goes a bit too far in making comparisons between what happened in Nazi-controlled Europe and recent history. Like all the best stories of historical fiction, nearly all of what appears in this book could have happened and some of the events actually did.
 The timeframe is the prelude to the outbreak of the Second World War and what the Germans and their local auxiliaries did to resistors and “racially inferiors” during the war. Nearly all of the main characters are female, from both sides of the Atlantic as well as both sides of the conflict.
 This is an important part of the story, for there were many Germans that were not ardent Nazis and did engage in acts of opposition, small and large. Many of the characters are based on actual people and what they did during the war. Millions of people went through the concentration and death camps, so the number of stories of what they experienced is enormous.
 Then as now, females were fifty percent of the population during the Second World War and despite not being in combat, their lives were directly and indirectly altered by the events. While knowledge of the events of the war will aid the reader in understanding the book, this summary contains enough information so that even those that are clueless about the Second World War will understand what many women went through. Although it is a novel, it would take very little to convert it into a work of history. 

This book was made available for free for review purposes. 

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