Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Review of "Fluency 4 With Information Technology, Skills, Concepts & Capabilities," by Lawrence Snyder

Review of

Fluency 4 With Information Technology, Skills, Concepts & Capabilities, by Lawrence Snyder

ISBN 9780136091820

 I have been teaching an introduction to computers college level class for approximately 10 years and one aspect of the textbooks I have seen change over the years is a reduction in the level of rigor. Material such as the basics of programming, binary coding of messages, HTML, designing web pages, basic principles of databases and the basics of machine language have been removed. That is not the case with this book and it was very refreshing.
 There are 24 chapters and chapters 18 through 22 demonstrate in-depth programming concepts, a complete bean counter program is listed and explained. Chapters 7 through 10 cover the basic computer operations of the machine cycle and algorithms.
 If you teach a class in the basics of computers and want some depth to the content of your text, this one will work for you.

This book was made available for free for review purposes

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