Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Review of "I Love My Hair!," by Natasha Anastasia Tarpley

Review of
I Love My Hair!, by Natasha Anastasia Tarpley ISBN 0316523755

Five out of five stars
 The target audience for this book is young girls in general and African-American girls in particular. The primary character is an African-American girl with the thick hair common to people of that ethnic distinction. When she is young, her mother would put her head in her lap and comb out the tangles, often causing her pain. This led to the girl disliking her hair, until her mother explains to her all of the different and distinctive ways that it can be styled. These leads to her considering her hair to be a point of pride, something to show off to others.
 For most women and girls, their hair is a point of great pride and distinction. Yet, it is what it is, so the wearer must do the best they can with what they have. The important point of this book is that the thick hair subject to tangles common to African-American women can be styled in many attractive and desirable ways. That is a lesson that is valuable to all girls, independent of what kind of hair they have.

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