Sunday, May 29, 2016

Review of "Hacked Again: It Can Happen To Anyone, Even a Cybersecurity Expert," by Scott N. Schober

Review of

Hacked Again: It Can Happen To Anyone, Even a Cybersecurity Expert, by Scott N. Schober 

ISBN 9780996902205

Five out of five stars
 Given that Schober is the CEO of a wireless security firm, it took significant courage to write a book featuring the instances where his company was the victim of computer hacking. Although all organizations and individuals are at risk, he was specifically targeted due to his public condemnation of the hacker community. In a world where so many organizational victims keep their data breaches as private as possible, Schober is to be commended for admitting the problems in order to warn others.
 This book is a combination of a recapitulation of the hacking experienced by the author, both personal and as an organization and a log of his public appearances and comments about major data breaches. Embedded within is some sound advice regarding how you can protect yourself from the evil hacker entities, but that is generally not a primary focus.
 There are two overall messages in this book. The first is that all are vulnerable to the hackers as they are relentless and very knowledgeable in the most effective ways to conduct a digital breaking and entering. The second is that in many ways your best defense is to be a tougher target in the sense that nearly all of the hackers are lazy. If you remove yourself as a target of low-hanging fruit of opportunity, they will seek victims that are easier to exploit.
 If you are a follower of the digital security field, then this book is light reading in the sense that there will be little that is new to you. Others will find it interesting and informative, while all will find it at least a little bit frightening. 

This book was made available for free for review purposes.

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