Saturday, March 2, 2019

Review of "Praxis Core Study Guide 2019-2020 Core Academic Skills for Educators Exam Prep and Practice Questions (5712, 5722, 5732)"

Review of
Praxis Core Study Guide 2019-2020 Core Academic Skills for Educators Exam Prep and Practice Questions (5712, 5722, 5732) ISBN 9781635304442

Five out of five stars
 This book contains very challenging material in the area of English and very simple in the area of mathematics. The material in math is all well within what is covered in middle school mathematics, but the English is definitely college level beyond the coverage of freshman composition. The essays for study are very well written, they are concise and while easy to read and understand, the questions about them are not easy to answer correctly. Rereading is often necessary and selecting the right answer from the two most reasonable responses is not easy.
 The book is designed to prepare the user for the core academic skills that potential educators need in order to pass the state-level certification exams. Superb study material and sample questions are used to prepare the reader for the sample exam contained in the book as well as another one online. While I am not using this book to prepare for the exams, I found myself immersed in the questions regarding understanding and interpreting passages of expository writing. The sample questions in this area are an effective review of this skill that all professional people need to hone and keep sharp.

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