Review of
Search of Dark Matter,
by Ken Freeman and Geoff McNamara, ISBN 0387276165
Five out
of five stars
popular explanation of a fundamental principle
For some time, it has been known that the
universe is expanding. There is a well-defined point of origin that is known as
the moment of the Big Bang. As the universe exploded into existence the amount
of energy and mass were fixed and the various components few away from each
With this fact established, the next major
fact that was pursued was determining the amount of mass in the universe. If
the amount was above a certain level, then the mutual gravity would cause the
components to eventually slow down, reverse their direction and then come
together in an event that was referred to as the Big Crunch. If the amount was
less than the threshold, then the universe would continue to expand forever,
eventually experiencing a heat death.
Therefore, there is a concerted effort to
determine how much matter is in the universe. Initial computations of the
amount of matter that was visible clearly indicated that this was a small percentage of the total matter. The
mutual behavior of the components indicated that there was much more matter in
the universe. This missing matter was referred to as “Dark Matter.”
This book is an excellent popular explanation
of all facets of this fundamental issue in our understanding of the universe.
It starts with an explanation of the fundamental issue of the ultimate fate of
the universe and then moves on to the obvious lack of known matter. Following
this there are simultaneous explanations of the various types of potential dark
matter and the ways in which the improvements in the collection of astronomical
data have made it possible to investigate whether the specific postulated forms
of dark matter do in fact exist. All are done with a minimum of equations and
with images that encapsulate the information.
While it is unlikely that any human will live
to see the universe approach its end, it is important to learn what that end
will be. This book gives a great deal of information regarding the search for
this ultimate truth.
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