Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Review of "The Tempest: The Graphic Novel," by William Shakespeare

Review of
The Tempest: The Graphic Novel, by William Shakespeare

ISBN 9781906332693

Five out of five stars
 One of my chemistry professors told me that a person could not be considered educated unless they knew something about the plays of Shakespeare. I agree with that position and support that education by any tactic that can be used. This graphic novel provides another avenue where educators can introduce what was Shakespeare’s final play by solo authorship and one of his best. It is also considered to be his only work that was completely original
 The images are all in vivid color with great detail and the text appears in standard dialog balloons. Readers are given an effective context for the dialog, which is of course pure Shakespearean. I would encourage English teachers to consider using copies of this book as texts for their classes on Shakespeare. For it is far superior to the stale pamphlets that is the normal fare.

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