Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Review of "George Price’s Ice-Cold War," with captions by William Shakespeare

Review of
George Price’s Ice-Cold War, with captions by William Shakespeare

Five out of five stars
 This book of caricatures of famous people with text in dialog balloons and on papers held by the characters as well as footers containing quotes from Shakespeare is a complex read for the modern reader. I am a follower of history and there were very few people that I recognized, even though they were taken from politics, the military, society and entertainment. Fortunately, the TOC gives a brief explanation of each image. I read through the book with one hand on the TOC and the other and my current place in the text.
 Satire is in abundance on the pages of this book, that is clear even when you do not recognize the people in the cartoon. The quotes from the master Shakespeare are apt and biting. Although the material is very dated (published in 1951) and cryptic, this is a book that is fun to read, for it is the work of a master at poking fun at the rich and powerful.

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