Sunday, October 21, 2018

Review of "The Boy of the Three-Year Nap," by Dianne Snyder

Review of
The Boy of the Three-Year Nap, by Dianne Snyder ISBN 039566957x

Five out of five stars
 This story is a written version of a folk tale told in Japan by itinerant entertainers. Taro is the young boy and while he is very bright, he is also very lazy. He lives with his mother and she is getting very frustrated with Taro’s inactivity.
 A very rich rice merchant lives next door and he has a daughter that is the age of marriage. At this point Taro shows a great deal of initiative and comes up with a scheme to manipulate the merchant and his daughter into marrying him. It is a scheme that is within the mold of the lazy, clever trickster that manages to get what he wants by manipulation of people rather than objects.
 Traditional tales have the poor, young girl managing to marry the prince, this one is the reverse In this case, the poor male solves his problems of lack of ambition by tricking people and marrying a wealthy woman so that he can live a life of leisure. Although the location is Japan, it is a story that can be copied and pasted into almost every culture.

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